


“当我们发现自己再次怀孕时,我们在19 covid-19的大流行封闭世界之前大约有一个月的兴奋。我们的期望变成了焦虑。那时,我们面临着无尽的不确定性,除了一个:在Overlake分娩中心分娩我们的第二个孩子。由于我们以前的经验,我们知道我们将在最重要的时候获得出色的护理。


"It was a late Sunday afternoon, and I had only been experiencing contractions for about an hour. By the time they became regular and closer together, I called Overlake’s Labor & Delivery [L&D] phone number. The woman who answered was professional, positive and encouraged me to come on over to get checked out. By the time we arrived, my contractions had progressed to become stronger and closer together.

“我告诉我丈夫,我们没有让他们那天晚上把我们送回家。如果他们尝试过,我要走一圈停车场然后回去。我听到了其他妈妈的故事,他们的医院把他们送回家,他们几乎没有及时回到送婴儿的时间。但是,这种担忧被认为是无效的。L&D Triage护士温柔而专业。她把我挂在了一家监视器上,看着我的收缩,并确保不要通过,不要通过分散我的注意力。等到我之间的我帮助我移动或问我问题。



“一旦我们的讨论完成,我就要求准备劳动浴缸。这是我最喜欢的关于叠放的事情之一 - 室内喷射浴缸!我在浴缸里工作了很短的时间,然后才决定我需要出去并得到一些更大的疼痛缓解。我的分娩计划的选择之一是减轻药物疼痛,但我明确表示我想尽可能长地推迟。悉尼在鼓励-她没有任何压力我-但是她提醒我我在计划中要求的内容,并提出要检查我,所以我们知道我取得了多少进展。



"In that time, I can’t imagine receiving better emotional and medical support than what I got from Sydney. She quickly became close to our hearts, and I was a little sad to leave her to head over to the other wing. The level of care we received after never faltered. Each nurse was caring and attentive toward me and my baby. We were supported in the decisions we made for our son, such as delaying his first bath until we got home. When it came time for our discharge, the nurse allowed us to move at our own pace—we forgot how long it takes us to get out the door with a newborn! The staff made sure we were prepared for postpartum and newborn care, too. It helped our confidence to have a follow-up scheduled at the Mom & Baby Care Center, so we knew we weren't more than 24 hours away from additional care.

“大流行的最大损失之一是我们的面对面社区,看着没有这个的新生阶段,令人难以置信。Mom & Baby Care Center each week. I cannot overstate what a difference it made in my mental health. Knowing I wouldn’t be able to attend that class in-person gave me a lot of anxiety in the weeks leading up to giving birth. With the group still operating virtually, I’ve been able to attend without having to load up the car and go anywhere. The nurse facilitator, Lisa, is intentional about making sure everyone in attendance has a chance to ask questions and contribute to the discussion. While I miss the in-person classes and visiting with the other moms, I am so grateful the group still exists.

"Obviously, I can’t say enough good things about our care at Overlake before, during and after delivery. Returning for the birth of our second child was the best decision we could have made. Sara, Sydney and Lisa are imprinted on our hearts, but we think so highly of the entire staff at the Overlake Childbirth Center and Mom & Baby Care Center."

Neyssa Lee摄影摄影
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